
Hello. I’m an experienced product designer and design manager. I believe the best results come from establishing open lines of communication, gathering real-world input from outside the building, and validating solutions through targeted testing.


10+ years of product design experience. I strive to create shared understanding and team alignment based on business goals, user research, and solution iteration.


Collecting appraisal payments
Product Design, Web

Feature concept testing

Product Design, Rapid prototype, Web

Increasing e-learning engagementProduct Design, Mobile

Increasing e-learning engagement

Product Design, Mobile

Creating an e-learning introductory lesson Product Design, Mobile

Creating an e-learning introductory lesson
Product Design, Mobile

Redesigning the header Product Design, Responsive Web

Redesigning the header
Product Design, Responsive Web

Improving Premium conversionsProduct Management

Improving Premium conversions

Product Management

Marketing Promotion Mini-game Product Design, Responsive Web

Marketing Promotion Mini-game
Product Design, Responsive Web